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    Banjo, the beloved canine, has been the heart and soul of Cabo4Sale’s office since 2013. His journey as the office mascot began rather unexpectedly after the passing of his doggie sibling. Not one to be left alone, Banjo’s vocal disapproval of solitude not only resonated with his human parents but echoed throughout the neighborhood. Hence, it was unanimously decided that Banjo would accompany them to the office, marking the inception of his esteemed title as ‘Office Mascot’.

    Throughout the day, Banjo can be spotted indulging in serene naps either sprawled across the floor or curled up in his cherished chair. His breaks include gentle meanders around the picturesque Cabo San Lucas Marina and the vicinity of the Tesoro Hotel, where his human parents’ office is located. His calm demeanor and adorable antics bring joy to many, especially visitors to Cabo San Lucas. A magnet for attention, many tourists and locals can’t resist stopping by to offer a gentle pat or a loving scratch behind the ears. For many visitors, Banjo becomes a temporary solace, reminding them of their own furry friends waiting for them back home. Banjo’s presence indeed adds a touch of warmth and homeliness to the office, making him an irreplaceable member of the Cabo4Sale team.

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